A series of tech talks based in our New York office, with speakers hailing from Jane Street and from the wider tech world.
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Introduction to Incr dom: Writing Dynamic Web Apps in OCaml
Cristina Rosu
Jane Street
At Jane Street, we use OCaml in almost everything we do, and that includes web development. Incr\_dom is an open-source...
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OCaml All The Way Down
Andy Ray
Did you know that Jane Street uses OCaml for, like, everything? Did you also know that Jane Street builds FPGA...
Effective Programming: Adding an Effect System to OCaml
Leo White
Type systems designed to track the side-effects of expressions have been around for many years but they have yet to...
Curriculum Design as an Engineering Problem: Lessons from the Field
Shriram Krishnamurthi
Brown University
New computing curricula are being created every day. Seemingly every permutation of words like "teach", "kids", "code", and "CS" has...
The Hurricane's Butterfly: Debugging Pathologically Performing Systems
Bryan Cantrill
Despite significant advances in tooling over the past two decades, performance debugging—finding and rectifying those limiters to systems performance—remains a...
Listen in on Jane Street's Ron Minsky as he has conversations with engineers working on everything from clock...
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