A series of tech talks based in our New York office, with speakers hailing from Jane Street and from the wider tech world.
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State of the Shell: PowerShell7
Steve Lee
Steve Lee from Microsoft discusses the Powershell roadmap, what's new in Powershell 7, and the differences it has from Windows...
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Dude, Where Are My Files? Reverse Engineering Ransomware
Michael Sikorski
Fire Eye Labs
Join Michael Sikorski, author of "Practical Malware Analysis", as he introduces you to malware analysis and reverse engineering by dissecting...
Unboxed Types for OCaml
Stephen Dolan
Jane Street
OCaml has a well-deserved reputation for compiling quickly. This is thanks in part to its uniform representation: all values have...
RustBelt: Logical Foundations for the Future of Safe Systems Programming
Derek Dreyer
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Rust is a new systems programming language, sponsored by Mozilla, that promises to overcome the seemingly fundamental tradeoff in language...
Playing Atari Games in OCaml
Laurent Mazare
At Jane Street, we enjoy using OCaml for lots of different things, from FPGA designs to web development. When it...
Listen in on Jane Street's Ron Minsky as he has conversations with engineers working on everything from clock...
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