Episode 4: Probability
Passing Your Driver's Test
At the DMV, there are test takers who study, and there are those who pass. This episode’s problem investigates the relationship between these groups, using Bayes’ Theorem.
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Episode 5: Probability
Grandma's Secret College Fund
A second Bayes’ Theorem problem is presented in this episode, as we sample a random bill from a piggy bank and try to compute the updated probability of the contents o...
Episode 6: Geometry
The Perfect Snow Cone
This episode kicks off a sequence of geometry problems, here we are figuring out the optimal dimensions of a snow cone holder. We then solve the final puzzle of the pr...
Episode 7: Geometry
Efficient Reshaping of a Snowball Into a Snow Cone
In this episode we continue with snow cone related calculations, with a bonus problem to use integration to compute the volume of a solid. In order to pose the problem...